Friday, July 29, 2011

Avoiding Tech Distractions, Definitions of Quality, and Learning Optimism

Earlier this month I posted about Jason Fried's talk on the importance of uninterrupted work. Continuing that theme, has an article describing 9 simple "focus enhancers" that aim to facilitate the kind of uninterrupted work necessary to push quality product (although they can't keep people from knocking on your door). In particular, the OMM Writer offers a very unique platform to focus on one project. The article also mentions the PC World Simply Business Blog, which offers productivity tips for businesses.

Speaking of quality. Seth Godin discusses definitions of quality here, and the differences between quality of design and quality of manufacture. What do you provide? What do your clients need or demand?

Finally, Anthony Tjan has a guest post over at the HBR Blog Network entitled "Learning Optimism with the 24x3 Rule." Whenever you hear an idea, wait at least 24 seconds before you voice any negative opinion on it. Merely waiting that short time will allow you to actually listen to the idea. Then try to work up to 24 minutes before responding, so you can consider all its possible advantages and carefully think through the proposal. Then, if you can, give yourself 24 hours of real reflection before you speak up.

According to Tjan these wait periods reflect a necessary prerequisite to optimism: a willing suspension of disbelief. And he does not advocate against being a critic, but instead suggests that a thoughtful critic does not prematurely dismiss a good idea.

It is pretty safe to say that attorneys in particular could benefit from practicing the 24x3 Rule.
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