Monday, October 17, 2011

Lawyerist Outlook Tips and Tools, and LawGuru

By way of the Lawyerist, a treasure trove of Microsoft Word and Outlook Tips by Deborah Savadra, editor and chief blogger at Legal Office Guru.

If you or anyone in your office is running into difficulties or challenges with Outlook, Word, Excel, or other programs, or if you just want to expand your knowledge and make yourself more productive, Legal Office Guru is an essential resource.  

In addition to comments addressing common problems, there are a bunch of Video Tutorials walking you through step-by-step through tasks and functions, and even an Ask the Guru feature for questions that have not been answered..

Before you burden IT or tear your hair out, by all means consult Legal Office Guru (and Lawyerist).  You bought this software, so you might as well get the most out of it that you can.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm glad you're finding the recent guest posts at Lawyerist to be useful.

    And thanks especially for linking to the Ask the Guru page over at Legal Office Guru. I *love* reader questions! Not only do they give me a chance to help people one-on-one, they're also great future post material!
